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Although not behavioral health-specific companies, I've included these because they are important comps for existing behavioral health companies. Many of them are public and therefore release their quarterly earnings that we can analyze.


Teladoc is the largest provider of virtual healthcare services with 6 core product offerings**.** Check out Stephen Hay's Deep Dive into Teladoc on the Stigma Podcast.

  1. Teladoc's core Telehealth offering is to payers with a ****monthly subscription access fee where visits cost around $49 and doctors make around $25 per visit. Doctors are like Uber drivers who are able to work on their own schedule.
  2. Better health is direct to consumer behavioral health where consumers pay $40 to 70 weekly and are matched with a therapist through a questionnaire.
  3. Best Doctors is a second opinion doctor service.
  4. Healthiest U is a consumer engagement platform offered through the acquisition of HealthiestU.
  5. Advanced medical was acquired in July 2018 and helped expand Teladoc internationally.
  6. Teladoc licenses their business to health systems and hospitals to configure their service.

Some Stats
